Building standalone API services has never been simpler.

Turbocharge your development and bypass tech complexity with

Seamlessly connect with your current systems, fostering stable innovation.

Main Features

Hyperflexibility & transparency at Core

Business Process Oriented

Cut the clutter with our business-first approach and focus on what truly matters - personas, features, and business processes behind.


Navigate change effortlessly.'s adherence to standards ensures your system remains stable amidst change.

Transparent & Interoperable

Complete visibility, seamless collaboration. With, always have an up-to-date visualization and documentation of your system at hand.


Coda-as-data allows AI to fully grasp your system's workings. Imagine chatting with AI as with domain expert within context of your system.

Open Source & Independence

Full control, limitless possibilities. Run your application your way, with the added benefit of open source flexibility.

Plugins & Integration

Boost your system's functionality. Easily integrate your systems with auto-generated SDKs or other services with community or subscription plugins. Or create your own!

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